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It is said that there is a Rotary meeting being held someplace in the world every hour of every day. If you attended one meeting per day, it would take nearly 80 years to visit all of the more than 34,500 Rotary clubs in the world, and by that time, no doubt, there would be thousands more new clubs to attend.
A Rotary year runs from July to June.

The 2023/4 Board

President - Deb Frugtniet

Past President and Treasurer - Mark Kent


I joined Parkwood Rotary in 2000 following in the footsteps of my late father, a committed member of Ipswich club. Since then I have served on around 20 boards including secretary X 3 treasurer x 3 and president x 2. To me, Rotary is not just about being able to “give back”. It is having the satisfaction of working with friends and colleagues to achieve so much at a community level and actually make a difference on a global scale. 

Secretary - Ro Linton


I have been in Rotary six years and value the chance to make friends and work for the betterment of our local  and wider world community. I am especially proud to be taking on the role of President next year.

International - Jo Leigh


Membership - Emma Dell

Services - Karen and Howard Morton


Vocational - Ron Chesson


In my two years in Rotary I have been involved in running our Bunnings BBQ and recently in the Vocational role. Working in the community

is a rewarding experience as well as making new friendships within Rotary and beyond .

Youth - Christine Ough


We believe everyone can embrace who they are,
can define their future, and can change the world.

Our Mission
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